New book in our gift shop

Margaret McFarlane Davidson



A New Book by Peg Sullivan


Early Cambridge resident, Margaret McFarlane grew up on Lake Ripley prior to becoming the mother of sons who founded the Harley-Davidson Company.  This book chronicles her childhood in the Cambridge/Lake Ripley area.  Provides background on her family and their connection to the community as well as many historical names and places long associated with Cambridge.  She and her family were immigrants form Scotland who settled the Lake Ripley area.


As an older adult she returned to the lake each summer with three of her adult children who owned homes on Lake Ripley.  The book focuses on the woman and her life.  She was orphaned when both of her parents die just three years apart.  Margaret and her three, younger siblings are separated yet maintain close relationships with their mother’s extended family.  One uncle, her mother’s brother James, would play a key in the launch of the Davidson brothers’ motorcycle industry.


Margaret McFarlane was an independent, self-supporting domestic worker until her marriage to William Davidson.  She worked both in Madison and Milwaukee during the 1860s.   Like many women from the period, her life captures the hard work, determination, and strengthen that exemplifies the first-generation, immigration experience.

This book is now available in our museum book store. Until we re-open with normal hours, you can contact us at for ordering details. Cost is $10.99.